Better Tomorrow
Better Tomorrow

Better Tomorrow

About Us:

Better Tomorrow works to provide better health and educational realities for women and children. Before ISIS took control of the city of Raqqa, there were safe spaces for children and women to participate in sports and have an active lifestyle. In the midst of Al-Raqqa’s occupation, all sports activities were stopped, sports equipment stolen and sports halls converted to prisons and holding cells. With the city now left in ruin, children and women are desperate for a safe space that provides some resemblance to normalcy. Better Tomorrow Organisation works to provide this through rehabilitating and restoring sports halls and places for recreation, as well as providing sport equipment so that children can do what children do best- play!

About The Project:

During the war , a once sports hall was overtaken by ISIS and turned into a prison. With the mission to bring sports and safe spaces back to Al- Raqqa, The Better Tomorrow Organisation project ‘ Sports bring us together’ works to remove the prison and return it to how it once was. This will take extensive rehabilitation including processing sanitary equipment, electricity, installation of doors and windows, floor tiles and painting the entire hall and sports equipment.