Better Life
Better Life

Better Life

About Us:

Betterlife has partnered with RealtimeAid, which uses a participatory decision making methodology to conduct a comprehensive capacity assessment, identify organisational gaps, and provide training and hands-on guidance to help improve these areas. The city of Raqqa has an educational crises, brought on by conflict and the previous rule of Islamic State. The conflict itself led to almost one in two schools being destroyed, as well as other massive infrastructure problems including lack of public parks or safe spaces for women and children. Better Life was born out of a desperate need for solutions. A locally led community initiative it aims to project children and empower local communities through education.

About The Project:

Better Life aims to develop an Early Childhood Education programme for orphan and marginalised young children (aged 4 - 5). While much needed and well received by the community, this project has never been done in North-East Syria. The programme, Namasat, will provide Early Childhood Education for two groups of 75 orphans and vulnerable children included - essential reading, basic maths, social skills, sport and language (Arabic and English).